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If you want to work on current issues as "How can weather forecasts be made more reliable?", "How can improvements be made to the transport network", "How can the probability be estimated that a satellite will fall in an habited area?", "How can a self-adaptating robot be designed?"

If you want to gain proficiency in all stages of solving real problems (analysis, modelling, simulation and implementation) using the theoretical, algorithmic and computing tools of applied mathematics,

If you want to enter professional life with a scientific and multidisciplinary outlook,

Join our Professionally-oriented Specialisation in Applied Mathematics !


Since 2009, this specialisation is part of the master program in Applied Mathematics of the University of Namur (Belgium). It gives master students practical experience of the world of business and industry. The specialisation program consists of an internship at a company of your choice and a group project carried out under conditions similar to those experienced in companies.

Adépartement de mathématique des FUNDP (Namur, Belgique), nous avons développé, depuis X ans, un master à vocation spécialisée.
Au programme :
Stage en entreprise
Projet en équipe en conditions d'entreprise sur des thèmes mathématiques divers (lancement d’un satellite, recommandations pour profils Facebook, génération de population synthétique,...).
Cours d'introduction à l'entrepreneur